VA-VMC - Veterans Health Administration - Virtual Medical Center - iDAvatars, Inc.
Icon and website design proposal. The client wanted to see an icon driven navigation website design with a minialistic style similar to the playstation navigation. The final website layout design and proposal was done by iDAvatars art team. Ultimately VA went with a different look.


VA-VMC - iDAvatars, Inc. - VA-VMC Providers Website Layout:
Preliminary idea on how the icons would be implement with a playsation look and feel. The category text will appear when mouse over the icon. [ Mouse over image to see example ]

VA-VMC - iDAvatars, Inc. - VA-VMC Patients Website Layout:
Example when mousing over the Tools icon, while inside the Collaborate page. [ Mouse over image to see example ]


VA-VMC - iDAvatars, Inc. - VA-VMC Patients Website Layout:
Preliminary idea on how the icons would work with a 3d background that would integrate with virtual environment. The category text will appear when mouse over the icon. [ Mouse over image to see example ]